“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
Ephesians 5: 25
As I journey to recapture my feminine beauty by growing out my hair and refusing to ever cut (yearly trim) it again and lose 40 pounds while always being more aware and grateful for the food I do eat, and desperate seek the love, affection and approval I seek in my own marriage, I am determined to show my daughter true beauty and encourage her future relationship.
My dearest Daughter Olivia,
One day when you fall in love, nay rather find a good man who daily you chose to love, and embark on the challenging vocation of binding your heart and body to another in the sacrament of marriage, tether yourself to a good man. A man who is your best friend, listens when you talk, cares about your feelings, and seeks to spend time with you. A man who prays regularly especially the rosary with you, divides household chores and actively cares for your children. Seek weekly date nights in your marriage with budgeting money towards a babysitter (I will gladly of course babysit my precious grand babies for free), and say “thank you” to each other often. Find a man who kisses you tenderly morning and night saying “I love you beautiful” and hugs when he sees you (maybe the occasional butt slap). Enjoy physical intimacy weekly, and find a mutual show or hobby (such as tennis) to share with each other. Never even state the word, “divorce” nor get to the point of yelling and insults (this leaves room for the devil to divide y’all). Be quick to forgive, offer grace and encourage- better to uplift then “call-out.” Be filled with the love of Jesus first to overflow from your soul and view challenges as a chance to grow and turn towards each other.
I love you my beautiful daughter, and I pray for the man who will be like Saint Joseph a protector of your purity all the days of his life.
Love Always,
Your mother