Sometimes too many words entangle too many emotions, so the simple form of poetry frees feelings through few curated phrases carefully showing an image of inner reality
Newborn, newborn
The mother so worn
Breast, vagina, eyes all sore
Brain dazed, heart hazed
A ghost of oneself
Dreaming of the days before
With routine, flow and sleep
Newborn, Newborn
A small sweet thing eating, sleeping
Brief gazes with unfocused eyes looking, searching for the elements of survival
Cries when awake, sleeps all day
Not fully present, ready for out of the womb.
Newborn, Newborn, requires
A rebirth of patience and perspective in me, embracing this short season
Crawling, walking, jumping, digging
With his older brother
An image of hope newly born.
COVID-19 Delta Variant
RSV attacking littles
Thrush lingering in
Me and my littlest’s mouths
Bleeding two weeks postpartum
Hemorrhage threatens momma
Pump, worry “is my milk enough?”
Hospitals full, Afghanistan in terror
A scary place to keep small ones alive
Yet my infant and toddler sleep soundly
Eased by their parents weary caresses
So tenderly God touches my soul
Carrying me in the palm of His Will
So I release the illusion of control
The worry of disease and disaster
And pick up ease of being beloved
Hope beyond hope abates fear.
Two toddlers tumbling
Across the steep yard
Rolling, kicking, laughing
“Give me the soccer ball!”
Yells the blonde blue eyed elder
And the curly dark-haired younger
Follows, smiles, complies to his hero
Muddy and wet from the garden hose
Ruddy from the contented heat of
Free outside play with companionship
As momma sips tea, so grateful for
Her clever, compassionate, and creative Couture boys