"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps."
Proverbs 16:9
Procrastination , the lifestyle of a person motivated by the pressure of an immediate deadline that forces the task completion at the last possible moment. I’m an anti-procrastinator; more of a paranoid preparer. When assigned a project such as an essay or reading assignment, I used to schedule out each step over a month such as read five chapters a day or write an outline, rough draft and final draft over three weeks. So overwhelmed by the mighty mountain of tasks, I sought smaller steps to hike up the hill with self-afflicted check-points. Though seemingly more responsible then the procrastinator method, truly my planning in advance stems from when life’s anxieties bombard me, the control freak comes out. So, more than half-way through growing our third child and first baby girl, I prop open my planner and pen to prepare for Olivia as much as a mother can truly prepare for such an unknown factor as a third soul granted under her guardianship.
So my monthly ambitions to attempt while waiting for Olivia:
MONTH 1 (February): PREPARE the TIME
schedule shifting my sons to an earlier wake up, nap and bedtime, the goal of 7:30 wake up, 12:30-3:30pm nap and bedtime 8:30pm.
move boys into one best room and start adjusting to the shared room situation.
potty train the younger son in an attempt to not have two littles with diapers to change. Purchase that mini-van with the capacity for three car seats and begin potty training.
prep nursery and begin the crazy nesting period of crying over baby clothes and mentally embracing the pain of birthing.
So with monthly goals of big changes to prepare for the biggest change- the arrival of a third baby- I seek to set up for success to the best of my abilities.
Overall though to combat my biggest hurdle for the last several months of this season as a boy-mom, I am internally treating the anxiety induced by pregnancy hormones and fear of the unknown of change. Deep breathes and the mantra: “I am loved by my husband and sons and fully cared for by my Father, I am not alone with such as Good Shepherd.”
“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”
Isaiah 40:11
So regardless of your procrastination or paranoid prepare style of combating the challenges of change, May your soul stay shepherd by the tenderness of a Good God who carries you through all seasons, especially those of us gifted with lambs.