"Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.“ Saint Therese of Lisieux
“He must increase, but I must decrease.”- John 3:30
TAG your it, a remarkable student participating in the “Talented and Gifted” program of public school education. Since third grade, the common remarks of, a “talented writer”, “excellent teacher”, and “gift of gab” created a pedestal in my little mind that I felt like I must live up to,. As multiple personality and professional behavior profiles indicate, I act as a helper/humanitarian to inspire and encourage others.
My cross to bear as a member of the millennial generation and surrounded by the “mom boss” influencer culture, I feel a pressure to be “more.” More in shape, more crafty, more influential to others moms, more able to make a significant mark on the world…. More than just a stay-at-home-mom who spends her time folding laundry, breastfeeding her baby, cleaning, running after a fast toddler and implementing meals.
Once I did more. After the birth of my firstborn, I did more to provide supplemental income. I taught English online before my family awoke, tutored and even walked dogs. With the birth of my second son, and our financial blessings, I am able to focus on our two boys and our home like a 1950s house-wife. For the first time since I started my career, I feel the freedom of time, with less stresses (except for toddlers and babies, so sometimes even more stresses). A single role as a care-giver, a season of insignificance. So not-influential to others except my own small ones.
Is this enough? Instagram, facebook groups and even podcast state, “no, in this modern era put yourself out there and earn- attention, influence, money”. Yet, in our small cozy home in suburban Atlanta, Currently, I feel the call of small, to just throw my pebble this vast ocean of a connected world, and let the ripple grow slowly gradually not become a tidal wave sweeping the shoreline.
This is remarkable: living out love. So whether you are at home, in the office, a social media influencer or a side-business-while- raising-kids-momma, you are remarkable, worthy of attention, striking. Your showing up and loving your children, matters, leaves a mark and is more than enough. Decreasing your influence, increases your significance, when great and tiny task are done with love
Beautiful thoughts!