Sand and waves seen from the balcony of our eighteenth condominium at Panama City beach inspired lyrical musings. So in-between the good times of collecting seashells, digging in the sand, swimming in the pool and sea and enjoying mini adventures at the arcade and putt-putt course; as well as navigating the bad times of grumpy kids and parents, meal gathering and short bickering, I commemorated our time in some poetry.
Vast blue waves soaring
Expanding on a cloud of foam
Caught in the wonder of little eyes
Fixated on an inch of sand
Grains dropped yet stuck on
Miniature fingers and toes
A sea of eternity captured
in seconds of littleness
as shifting as the tide .
My sons set sail
From the harbor of my arms
I watch their sails bellow
By winds shipping into far locations
Miniature clouds on the blue
Yet now anchored to the shore
Cargo loaded, navigation studied
Nestled in the preparation
Dreaming on stars
of their adventures yet to come.
Legs merge into a tail
Two flips to sink into the turquoise depths away from salty tears
Of baby cries and toddler wails
Floating aimlessly as half a person
A solo dance upon the waves
Then ready to rise above the foam
and shift into the sand
Serenity holding my little ones
Whilst wondering the tale of mermaids, the true story of
A woman more than a mere maid.
Rattling rails rant in reply
To howling winds and whining waves
Singing with the siren of the skies
Warning of lightening strikes
An bright crack against
the menacing cloud
Retreat, rest, repose
from relaxing on the seashore
Transformed into a temporary battlefield between sky and sea.